
John Coffer, a tintype photographer, has spent the past 25 years living a Thoreauvian existence in a cabin in New York. His 19th-century technique of wet plate photography involves making a direct positive on a sheet of metal, which, Coffer says, "is very intentional, and you're not going to make very many in a day ... Each image is absolutely unique, like a painting." In this spirit, he does many things on his farm "the old 19th century way,' but he also uses some new technologies, like solar panels and a laptop. He predicts that more people will look to the past to find balance with modern life, and the serenity and natural beauty of his world are certainly an inspiration. 

Additional Credits

"Parsnip Snips" Michael Hurley
"Lonesome Graveyard" Michael Hurley
"First Light" Marisa Anderson
"The Golden Hour" Marisa Anderson